In my experience the key thing delaying the start of research projects is staff availability – whether you have access to the people you need, or if you need to recruit and how ready to recruit you (and your organisation) are.
Work: Do high street vacancy rates really mean anything?
Interesting article on the BBC on the Local Data Company’s latest report on the high retail vacancy rates in the UK, with one in seven shops (14%) empty.
Focusing on the headline vacancy rate is interesting, but does it help us understand if we’re getting more (or less) good shops on our streets?
Work: Welcome to Tech Town
Interesting article on the future of Towns and Cities in the Drum Magazine – and I don’t just say that because I’m quoted in it!
My key points cover:
- What will the Future city look a like
- Urban efficiency and relevancy
- The importance of the quality of the built environment
- ‘Smartness’ is not a given and can’t be assumed
- Personalisation – will it happen?
- Cities and the shared experience
Photo: Steps
Photo: Stairs
Photo: Garden door
Photo: Bridge-pix
Photo: Bolts
Tech: Variable names in WordPress (or why you should never use $category as a variable name)
Make sure your variable names are prefixed or otherwise clearly part of your code. If you use generic variable names like $post and $category and $template you’ll run into conflicts with WordPress global variables.
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Tech: Working with taxonomies in WordPress
Three things I’ve learned about using taxonomies in WordPress – where to define them, how to manage them, and how to publish them.
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Work: Smart Cities interview in ‘Urban Realm’
From Smart Cities interview in ‘Urban Realm’
I was interviewed in the April 2013 edition of Urban Realm magazine for their feature on Smart Cities following Glasgow’s designation as a ‘Smart City‘.
The main things I covered are how UK cities use information, how information will change urban service delivery, and the importance of creating Smart Citizens if we are to use information wisely.
Tech: Learning from themes
Why you’ll learn a lot from pulling apart the new twentythirteen theme and seeing how it works.
Cross-posted from
Photo: Dots and Curves
Photo: Shrine on you
Tech: Changing the heading levels for WordPress widgets
If you want to change the heading levels for widgets in a sidebar, you should change how the sidebar is *defined* when it is first initialised. This post shows you how.
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