Pentland Sun
Pentland Hills
Summer in Scotland
Hello sunset
Path life
Two mountain bikers, one hill, two cameras, one sunset
Pentlands Crossroads Pano
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Over the hills and far away
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Jandd Mini Mountain Wedge seat bag
Best small seat bag I’ve tried. Robust, well made, easy to attach and easy to get into.

How to unjam the Contact Point Adjustment wheel on SRAM G2 RSC brakes

SRAM’s G2 RSC brakes have two adjusters – one that sets the distance between the bar and the lever, and Contact Point Adjustment that sets where the brakes bite as you pull the lever (circled in red).
This wheel has a habit of jamming – particularly if it’s all the way open or all the way closed.
Unjamming the Contact Point Adjustment wheel
If your wheel jams, a five step solution may work for you.
- Flood the wheel with WD-40. WD-40 is not really a lubricant, but it should help dissolve any existing grease etc. and displace any water.
- Wait several hours.
- Flood the wheel with oil – I used 3-In-One. Wipe away the excess.
- Wait several hours.
- Use a pair of needle nose pliers – wrapped in rubber or other soft material to protect the brake finish – and gently work the wheel loose.
If it doesn’t want to move, don’t force it. Add more oil and wait some more. Anecdotal suggestions include bleeding the brakes – which is never a bad thing to do anyway. It helps if you understand which way you want to turn the wheel (mine was stuck in the closed position).
After you bleed SRAM brakes you should clean the lever to make sure you don’t have any DOT fluid on them. If you use a chemical cleaner, make sure that it doesn’t get into the Contact Point adjuster, as it will help the wheel jam.
Repost because why did IG crop this so strangely two posts ago…?
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I don’t know what it was, but it stunk
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Castlelaw down
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Exhausted bike
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