Work: Into the Future – talking about Smart Cities

Just a wee heads up that I’ll be speaking at the 2012 PPA Digital Publishing Conference on Wednesday 26 September in London. The conference theme is ‘Into the Future’, and I’ll be exploring some of the opportunities surrounding the smart cities initiatives for providers of digital data services, designed to raise business efficiency or improve consumer access to public sector content.

You can find out more information about the conference and register at

Photo: Old College sky

Photograph of threatening sky over the Old College of the University of Edinburgh. While it is well known that the building is by Robert Adam, the dome is not: the observant will notice that it is a rather disparate addition and not in harmony with the rest of the building.

Photo: Fresnel lens detail

Photograph of detail of a fresnel lens designed by David Stevenson for Inchkeith Lighthouse at the end of the 19th century and now part of the National Museum of Scotland on Chambers Street in Edinburgh.

Photo: Steam train drive train

Photograph of detail of the drivetrain of the South African Railways locomotive No. 3007, a 4-8-2 15F class engine that was built in Glasgow in 1945 and brought back and restored as an exhibit in the Riverside Museum in Glasgow (aka the Transport Museum).

Photo: Discovery sunburst

Photograph of the RRS Discovery in Dundee. The Discovery is believed to be the last ‘traditional’ wooden three-masted ship to be built in Britain although her peculiar design, construction and rigging actually make her one of the strangest square riggers every built.