Posted on March 6, 2012January 3, 2024Photo: Fly-boy Photo of an old-style RAF pilot with moustache and pipe, 2010 National Museum of Scotland airshow at the Museum of Flight, East Fortune, East Lothian, Scotland.
Posted on January 17, 2012Photo: You turn me upside down The Aerostar wing-walkers fly by at the 2011 Museum of Flight airshow, East Fortune, Scotland.
Posted on January 13, 2012Photo: Head over heels… Stolp Starduster Too G-JIII drops off a smoky loop at the Museum of Flight airshow at East Fortune, July 2011.
Posted on January 11, 2012Photo: Let's fly away, you and I Two Breitling Wingwalkers from the AeroSuperBatics display team fly into the clouds at the 2011 East Fortune Museum of Flight Airshow.