Some thoughts on the roll-out of Phase 2 of Edinburgh’s 20mph speed limits.
Urban speeding is like drink driving – it’s not the penalties that change behaviour, it’s the changes in our definition of what is acceptable that will change behaviour.
tools, technology, work
Some thoughts on the roll-out of Phase 2 of Edinburgh’s 20mph speed limits.
Urban speeding is like drink driving – it’s not the penalties that change behaviour, it’s the changes in our definition of what is acceptable that will change behaviour.
Threatening sky over the Old College of the University of Edinburgh.
While it is well known that the building is by Robert Adam, the dome is not and is a much later addition: the observant will notice that it is a rather disparate addition and not in harmony with the rest of the building.
View of the cast iron framework and the skylight of the main hall of the National Museum of Scotland, Edinburgh.
Detail of a radio beacon at the National Museum of Scotland, Edinburgh.
Detail of the sculpture of James Watt in the National Museum of Scotland, on Chambers Street in Edinburgh.
Detail of a fresnel lens designed by David Stevenson for Inchkeith Lighthouse at the end of the 19th century, and now part of the National Museum of Scotland on Chambers Street in Edinburgh.
This first order dioptric holophotal revolving light showed a flash every half minute and made one complete revolution in four minutes.
Close-up of an Indian rhinoceros at the Edinburgh Zoo.