It seems that we’re watching the death throes of the House of Fraser – or at least of the House of Fraser brand. How much of this is a sign of the broader changes in retailing, and how much is the story of a poorly managed brand?
Work: What do 7,000 job losses at M&S mean for the High Street?
Marks and Spencers have announced seven thousand job losses. What does this mean for M&S and retailing more generally?
Work: Coronavirus and the city – Landlords vs. Retailers: Apple UK asks landlords for substantial rent cuts

Apple UK has allegedly asked UK landlords for substantial rent cuts. In an environment where the value of retail space is a fraction of what it was 6 months ago, should we be surprised if retailers are looking for significant rent cuts?
Work: Where’s the shift to urban cycling post covid-19?
Many cities are using Covid-19 as the reason for significant shifts in their attitudes towards cycling – and particularly towards making roads significantly more cycle friendly.
But the evidence on the street is that this shift to urban cycling hasn’t really happened yet.
Work: Covid-19: The 3 types of post-lockdown retailers
Now that retailing in the UK is starting to open up (past supermarkets, bike stores, and DIY stores), we can start to see how UK retailers are responding/changing how they operate.
Work: How Scottish Local Authorities are spending £30M in ‘Spaces for People’ funding
Work: 20’s plenty – cars, speeding and communities
Some thoughts on the roll-out of Phase 2 of Edinburgh’s 20mph speed limits.
Urban speeding is like drink driving – it’s not the penalties that change behaviour, it’s the changes in our definition of what is acceptable that will change behaviour.
Work: How much startup time do you need for research projects? You might need more than you think

In my experience the key thing delaying the start of research projects is staff availability – whether you have access to the people you need, or if you need to recruit and how ready to recruit you (and your organisation) are.
Work: Do high street vacancy rates really mean anything?
Interesting article on the BBC on the Local Data Company’s latest report on the high retail vacancy rates in the UK, with one in seven shops (14%) empty.
Focusing on the headline vacancy rate is interesting, but does it help us understand if we’re getting more (or less) good shops on our streets?
Work: What would independence mean for Scotland’s cities?
Scotland is an urban country: 70% of Scots live in urban areas. Despite the importance of rural Scotland, the majority of impact of independence will be felt by urban Scots. So what will this impact be? Will there be any? Does anyone care either way?
Work: Into the Future – talking about Smart Cities

Just a wee heads up that I’ll be speaking at the 2012 PPA Digital Publishing Conference on Wednesday 26 September in London. The conference theme is ‘Into the Future’, and I’ll be exploring some of the opportunities surrounding the smart cities initiatives for providers of digital data services, designed to raise business efficiency or improve consumer access to public sector content.
You can find out more information about the conference and register at