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Photo: Waves on the roof
The post Waves on the roof appeared first on
Work: Retail change and the end of the House of Fraser
It seems that we’re watching the death throes of the House of Fraser – or at least of the House of Fraser brand. How much of this is a sign of the broader changes in retailing, and how much is the story of a poorly managed brand?
Work: What do 7,000 job losses at M&S mean for the High Street?
Marks and Spencers have announced seven thousand job losses. What does this mean for M&S and retailing more generally?
Work: Coronavirus and the city – Landlords vs. Retailers: Apple UK asks landlords for substantial rent cuts
Apple UK has allegedly asked UK landlords for substantial rent cuts. In an environment where the value of retail space is a fraction of what it was 6 months ago, should we be surprised if retailers are looking for significant rent cuts?
Work: Where’s the shift to urban cycling post covid-19?
Many cities are using Covid-19 as the reason for significant shifts in their attitudes towards cycling – and particularly towards making roads significantly more cycle friendly.
But the evidence on the street is that this shift to urban cycling hasn’t really happened yet.
Work: How Scottish Local Authorities are spending £30M in ‘Spaces for People’ funding
We are starting to see some v. small changes in how transportation is changing in Covid-19 Scotland – early thoughts on what Spaces for People is doing in Scotland.
Work: 20’s plenty – cars, speeding and communities
Some thoughts on the roll-out of Phase 2 of Edinburgh’s 20mph speed limits.
Urban speeding is like drink driving – it’s not the penalties that change behaviour, it’s the changes in our definition of what is acceptable that will change behaviour.
Photo: Hidden colours, Brussels
Multi-coloured window jambs on an office building in central Brussels. From head on the building looks fairly normal: its only when you look up and along the walls that the hidden colours become visible.
Photo: Bicycle on a street
Photo: The Whittle Arch
The Whittle Arch in Coventry, England is a memorial to Sir Frank Whittle, the inventer of the turbo jet engine. The arch is made of a pair of aerofoil sections, with perforated stainless steel sheathing covering a tubular frame and steel lattice.
Photo: Albaicin street diptych
An Albaicin street diptych from Grenada, Spain.
Props to Patrick La Roque for his ‘Rock the Grid’ blog post on laying out multiple images in Aperture.
Photo: Albaycin street diptych
An Albaycin street diptych from Grenada, Spain.
Props to Patrick La Roque for his ‘Rock the Grid’ blog post on laying out multiple images in Aperture.
Photo: Malaga streetscapes - old and new
Photo: Dappled wooden door
Dappled old wooden door in a back street in Moorish Granada.