Q: What does Sonos Play sound like?
To my slight surprise it actually sounds pretty good – better than I expected, particularly for the price.
Q: Does Sonos Play work with Apple Music?
Yes, you have to authenticate the Sonos app – on every one of your devices, which is a pain, and then you have to play through the Sonos app, which isn’t brilliant.
Q: Does Sonos Play work with multiple Apple Music accounts?
Yes – each individual user has to authorise the Sonos app on each of the devices they use to play music through the Play – otherwise you just get the music library of whoever’s last logged in. If you stare at the settings you can figure out how to do it – it wasn’t particularly intuitive – and Sonos isn’t smart enough to think that if you are a new user you might want (by default) to be asked to login to your own account.
Q: Does Sonos Play work with Apple’s Airplay?
Apple Genius said yes: hardware says no.
Q: How easy is it to set up?
You first connect the Play to the internet via ethernet cable, and then configure it and connect it to a wifi network if desired. If you want to change the wifi network, you first have to re-connect the Play to a wired network. The iPhone app is reasonably well designed and walks you through the process. If like me you expected to be able to do all of your configuration wirelessly, you’d be mistaken.
Am very ambivalent about Sonos. While I like the sound, it’s harder to use than it should be – it’s not Airplay compatible and I don’t particularly like the Sonos app.